Brad Simmons

Brad Simmons "I started 27 years ago.  I was 17 and I was asked to go to a real estate seminar by this old guy I knew (he was 27).  The seminar was about seller financed SFHs - a $10 seminar started this whole thing.

I was doing great with land development and commercial properties - I had never lost a dime in real estate until about 6 years ago.  I went to another seminar on SFHs - then after several dozen SFHs, I had one million dollars (I had started with two).

What was I thinking?  Core competence - stick with what has been good to you - keep your eye on the ball.

Commercial it is - we love our Manufactured Home Communities.  We still do land subdivision and we still have apartments and other commercial real estate, but we adore the parks."