February 2020 Mobile Home Park Investing Newsletter - Mobile Home University

The February 2020 Mobile Home Park Investing Newsletter

Mobile Home Park Mastery Podcast: Episode 132 - Myth Buster’s: Trailer Park Edition

There’s a board game called “Trailer Park Wars” that is based on every American stereotype of mobile home parks and their residents. But are these assumptions true?

Listen To Episode 132

Mobile Home Park Mastery Podcast: Episode 131 - Letters From Our Residents And What They Mean

We get love letters from residents all the time – not only on Valentine’s Day. Why do people love their mobile home parks so much? In this episode of the Mobile Home Park Mastery podcast we’re going to read some of these letters and analyze the key drivers to customer satisfaction that we clearly deliver on every day. We’re also going to discuss other factors that make us the best housing option in America.

Listen To Episode 131

Why Every Resident Should Have A Pathway To Ownership

There are two types of inhabitants of mobile homes: owners and renters. One has a capital investment in the home and the other does not. We feel strongly that every resident in the mobile home park should have the opportunity to be an owner if they so choose. Why is that?

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The Adventures Of Eddie And David

Eddie Biller and David Joreteg have purchased several communities since they attended our Mobile Home Park Investor’s Boot Camp a few years ago -- and they’re still buying more. We’re going to discuss how they got into the industry, how they found each of the parks they own, the basic economics behind these acquisitions, the turn-around plans, and their lessons learned. It’s going to be a huge amount of facts in a short period of time and will then be followed by bottomless Q&A until all questions are answered.

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Mobile Home Park Mastery Podcast: Episode 130 - The Benefits Of Solitude

Film star Greta Garbo used to exclaim “I want to be alone” when approached by fans and even other actors. And this sentiment can also have beneficial aspects in certain functions of the mobile home park buyer and operator. As you’ll see, there is power in solitude: the power of making better decisions. While many decisions a park owner makes work best with a spirit of inclusion of all parties involved, there are certain moments when being an independent thinker pays big dividends.

Listen To Episode 130

Mobile Home Park Mastery Podcast: Episode 129 - Kung Fu Lessons For Mobile Home Park Owners

Sometimes the best course of action is to go with the force instead of against it. In this edition of the Mobile Home Park Mastery podcast, we’re going to review effective strategies for park owners to harness negative energy and use it to create powerful solutions. As you’ll see, these are some classic moves that work every time if you just know how to complete them.

Listen To Episode 129