If you ever want to see Conrad Hilton’s first hotel, it’s called the Mobley Hotel and it’s located in Cisco, Texas. These days it’s the Chamber of Commerce building. The hotel is not much to look at, and it never was much of a money maker. But it launched Hilton’s career. However, the important chapter of the story is not this hotel itself, but how it altered Hilton’s business model. And this story has an interesting relationship to the concept of buying a tiny mobile home park.
How the Mobley Hotel was like a small mobile home park
The hotel is not very big. You might be able to live off of it, but not well. It’s very similar to a park of 10 to 20 lots in size. You have all the headaches of owning a much larger park, but at the end of the day the numbers don’t seem to really compensate you for the trouble. Hilton lived off this hotel with his parents, but it was only on a subsistence level. If the Hilton family was ever going to have a more comfortable existence, something had to change.
The quote that changed it all
Hlton’s mother sensed his waning enthusiasm, and frustration, that he could never accomplish much with this small hotel. So she told him “if you want to launch big ships, you have to go where the water is deep”. In other words, if you want to make big money, you have to get involved with a bigger metropolitan area and a bigger hotel. It also meant that he’d have to take greater risk, as deep water is a lot easier to drown in than shallow. After his mother urged him to go after bigger hotels in bigger markets, he took the gamble and the rest is hotel history. The same is true with mobile home parks. If you want financial security and the ability to make a million dollars, you can’t do that with a 15 space park. You’ve got to go where the water’s deep. There’s no comparison between the financial potential of a small park in a small town and a 100 space park in a big city – yet it take about the same amount of time and energy to manage both.
There’s nothing wrong with small parks. I’ve owned a 15 space park, and Dave’s owned a 10 space. But if you want to really create wealth, you’ve got to “launch a big ship” and “go where the water’s deep”. If you need to test the waters with a small park, then that’s fine. But once you’ve learned the ropes, move on up to a larger park in a larger market. And that will allow you to build your own legend like Hilton.