Not all employers are created equal. Despite having a diverse employment base, it is equally important to take a closer look at what those employers actually do and how resistant they are to economic recessions and changes in consumer demand. We have found that the best markets to buy mobile home parks in have a strong employment base that is resistant to the inherent risks in a free-market economy, and the fads of the buying public. Here are our favorite types of employers:
County Seats
We have a huge number of markets in our portfolio in which that town or city is the county seat, and has a prominent county courthouse and government buildings – sometimes right in the middle of town. We like being the county seat for many reasons. First of all, those jobs are permanent and can’t be cut to any significant degree by economic recession. Another reason is that county seats, when push comes to shove, get all the funding and, as a result, are just stronger economically than the rest of the county.
It does not matter if they are giant state universities, small private colleges, or junior colleges, we love colleges as an economic driver. Not only are colleges beyond the reach of economic cycles (except in rare cases), but the students are huge consumers, which are supported by their parents and are not subject to obtaining or retaining employment. In addition, colleges receive a huge amount of federal aid, which keeps them in top physical condition and with frequent new buildings under construction.
As the U.S. population continues to age, the demand for healthcare is soaring. As a result, hospitals are hiring and new construction is endless. You cannot cut back on hospitals during recessions or depressions, as their funding is paid by state and federal coffers traditionally. If we had to choose a single employer in a town, a giant hospital – such as the Mayo Clinic – would be on the top of our list.
School Districts
Just like colleges, elementary, middle and high schools are not subject to the whims of the economy. Even if the entire town goes bankrupt, the schools must remain open and in business. As a result, the portion of the employment base that is dedicated to the school district is very solid indeed. Some of these districts are much larger than you think. For example, in Killeen, Texas, the school district employs 6,000 people. We are huge fans of markets that have heavy employment in education.
It’s sad but a giant percentage of the U.S. population is in prison – we have the highest percentage, by far, in the world. Nearly 1% of the U.S. population – nearly 2,300,000 people – are incarcerated, which is more than 25% of the total of everyone in the world that is in jail. Why do we put more people in jail than any other country? That’s not important to us. What’s important to us is that jails and prisons make for very stable employers. Over $60 billion per year is spent on running prisons in the U.S. And that is off-limits to any cutback, regardless of how the economy fares.
Tourist Destinations
We’re not talking about Hurricane Harbor here. We’re talking about significant tourist attractions with substantial pull. For example, our park in Charleston, South Carolina gets a boost from over 4 million tourists a year visiting the area. With an aging population, and 10,000 baby boomers per day retiring, the demand for recreation and travel is increasing, and much of this new demand is going to be focused on those prime tourist areas of the U.S. While this factor is more reliant on the health of the economy than any of these other sectors, there is no holding people back from that annual vacation and trip to the Grand Canyon, or Yosemite, or Vegas, using what money they have left.
The #1 product in the U.S. is food. It is our largest economic engine. America is the breadbasket to the world and, as other countries become more affluent, their first priority is to buy more American food. We are also the most efficient growers of crops and livestock, and can make more money per acre than any other farmers in the world. As a result, there is no great strategy to avoid recession-prone business than to invest in agricultural areas. Case in point, most of our markets enjoy unemployment rates of only 3% to 6% vs. the U.S. average of 8.6%. Why? Because we buy in the Great Plains and Midwest ; the agricultural hub of our nation. Until people decide collectively to suspend eating, there is little risk of losing employment when you create food.
If you want to stay out of trouble in our declining U.S. economy, the first step is to stay clear of markets that are heavy in employment risk. It’s not that hard to succeed – regardless of recession and depression – when you are exempt from layoffs and cutbacks. By sticking with diversified economies that are recession resistant, you are able to maintain stable revenues and even growing rents during terrible economic times for the nation as a whole.