We can probably thank the show COPs for the common perception that mobile home parks are dangerous to be in, and are ground zero for criminal activity in every city. It’s shocking that the industry allows this concept to persist, when there was a landmark study done in 2010 that disproved this theory once and for all – yet nobody has ever heard of it.
The study
In 2010, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development did a report on the relation between crime and mobile home parks, written by William P. McCarty, an assistant professor at the University of Illinois at Chicago. It was the first such statistical study ever done on the concept of mobile home parks being breeding grounds of criminal activity.
What can destroy those ingredients
The results of the study were extremely clear-cut.
“Despite this negative stigma, academic research focusing on crime and life in mobile home communities has been virtually non-existent.”
“Official police data from 2000 through 2002 in Omaha indicate no statistically significant difference in the rates of crime between blocks with mobile home communities, blocks adjacent to mobile home communities, and all other residential blocks.”
“In regressions controlling for a variety of other variables, the association of mobile home communities remained statistically insignificant. Blocks adjacent to mobile homes also manifested no significant association with either property-crime or violent-crime rates.”
So there is no correlation between mobile home parks and crime. Period.
It’s amazing that the industry never publicized this report. But you can get a copy off the internet and read it for yourself. Here’s the link to the complete report:
HUD Report
We never thought there was a correlation, having spent a huge amount of time in our parks. If anyone ever tries to claim that mobile home parks are crime centers, have them read this report and that should put an end to the discussion.