There has been more media interest in our industry than ever before. There have been recent articles in USA Today, BBC News in England, and the Wall Street Journal. There was an article on mobile homes in Dwell Magazine, and a major industry conference in Chicago, and a well-attended event in Dallas for Legacy Homes. Can this be the same industry that we got into 20 years ago, when people would either say “gross” or “you’ve got to be kidding” when you said you owned a trailer park? I guess that we have been one of the few, lucky recipients of the endless recession – now in its roughly seventh year – crossed with the collapse of Class-C apartments, and an investment environment that thinks a 1% CD is a big deal. I’ll never forget the time I was in the line to get into the courtroom for an eviction (back around 1997) and a guy was there trying to buy houses on the cheap from moms & pops that were tired of evicting their tenants. He came up to me and said “what do you want for your house” and I said “I own a mobile home park, not a house”. The guy – who was a slumlord – gave me a terrified look and said “I don’t deal in that stuff brother, it’s too scary”. Guess he’d be shocked today to know that our industry is owned by the likes of Warren Buffet, Sam Zell, and now even The Carlyle Group is getting into the picture. We never would have predicted this, but we sure like it.