Mobile Home Park News Briefing

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The Punxsutawney Spirit: Trailer park owner responds to Brookville Municipal Authority talks about shutting off water


BROOKVILLE — Robert Joseph, owner of Colonial Crestwood, LLC, has responded to statements made by the Brookville Municipal Authority regarding the non-payment of the water bill and the possible shutting off of the trailer park’s water service.

He said he does not understand why the municipal authority claims that Colonial Crestwood has failed to pay the water bill, as there was a letter sent out from the borough office dated April 4, 2023, instructing the tenants to pay the borough office directly. He said he feels that if the tenants are not paying their water bills, it is the responsibility of the borough to collect that money, not...

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Our thoughts on this story:

I know nothing about this case and have never seen the property, but I had a similar experience in Texas in the 1990’s. Turned out that the city had never bothered to subtract the individual tenants’ meter readings (for which they paid the city directly) from the master meter reading. They’d been doing that for decades. The amount they had overcharged the park was probably a million dollars. Cities make mistakes and – with scale – those mistakes can be gigantic. Before they shut this park owner’s water off, the water dept. better investigate what he’s saying because if he’s correct his damages against them will be crushing.

Spectrum Local News: State law aims to protect owners of mobile homes


Celebrating at home with family is a holiday theme this time of the year, but some New Yorkers are increasingly in jeopardy of losing their homes, according to New York state lawmakers.

As the housing crisis in New York continues unabated, one demographic is being unexpectedly targeted by developers.

Pre-existing infrastructure for water and sewer and cleared acreage at trailer and mobile home parks makes them an attractive acquisition for developers.

What You Need To Know
  • Saratoga County has the most trailer parks in New York state
  • Long Island and Saratoga County are seeing a surge in developers acquiring manufactured home...
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Our thoughts on this story:

Here’s the Cliff Notes version of this article:

“As the housing crisis in New York continues unabated, one demographic is being unexpectedly targeted by developers. Pre-existing infrastructure for water and sewer and cleared acreage at trailer and mobile home parks makes them an attractive acquisition for any developer. Many New York manufactured homeowners have already lost their homes to developers, including a lot in Saratoga County and on Long Island. New York state elected officials say they’re seeing an increase in the development strategy, so they’re working to help give the homeowners some power through new legislation. Landowners cannot be prevented from selling. The new law means homeowners in the parks – most of them own their trailers and rent their spaces – now have the first right of refusal to purchase the land. So if the owner of the land wants to sell, residents can collaborate and match the purchase price."

Great fiction writing. Here’s the reality:

  • Only about .0001% of the time are the tenants successful in matching the price and closing on the deal.
  • The bureaucrats only added this meaningless law to appear like they have power, because they have none. Even though New York has rent control it has no power to block the sale of land.
  • In fact, it’s exactly the new rent control laws of New York that are causing park owners – in bulk – to redevelop into uses that are not rent controlled.

So how could the bureaucrats really help park residents if they wanted to? Simple:

  • Abolish rent control.
  • Stop harassing park owners who raise rents to meet market levels.
  • Offer tax incentives for those who sell and keep the park in operation as opposed to having it torn down.

Think this will ever happen? Are you kidding me – this is New York!

Daily Breeze: Carson Imperial Avalon’s remaining residents to have cases heard individually


A court-appointed special master on Tuesday, Dec. 12, will begin hearing the individual cases of Carson’s mobile home owners who live at the soon-to-be-demolished Imperial Avalon Mobile Estates, who say the property owner hasn’t offered them fair relocation packages.

The residents, who are set to be evicted to make way for a massive mixed-use development, have until Tuesday to decide whether they want the special master to adjudicate their cases.

A special master is usually an individual appointed by a judge to hear evidence on their behalf and offer recommendations to resolve a case.

It’s unclear when the adjudication process will...

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Our thoughts on this story:

Another park being torn down for a new and better use of the land. And, in this case, the residents are suing claiming that they want more relocation money and freebies. Maybe they should have been as aggressive about pushing the owner to charge higher rents so they would not be cut loose?

The Messenger News: Holidays Canceled for South Carolina Trailer Park Residents After New Property Owner Sends Eviction Notices


amilies at a South Carolina mobile home park are reeling after the community's new owners suddenly told them they had only 30 days to vacate their properties — just in time for the holidays.

Neighbors at the Mustang Village Mobile Home Park in Greenville said they had to abandon their holiday plans after learning in early November that they needed to be out by Dec. 3. Some said that with nowhere to go, they could soon end up homeless, news station WYFF reported.

“No one was prepared to move, especially with funds for deposits and moving expenses," resident Anthony Thompson told the outlet. "We didn’t even do Thanksgiving just because of...

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Our thoughts on this story:

Another story about a mobile home park being torn down to make way for a more profitable use for the land, probably because the rents were ridiculously low. Predictably, the park owner is blamed for the demolition and the resulting “homelessness” – but also would have been equally blamed if they had raised the lot rents high enough to keep the park intact. There’s no winning with the American media today so why worry about it?

Bowling Green daily News: Mobile home rezoning sparks new advocacy group


Residents of the Kentucky Gardens Trailer Park shivered together around a pot of hot coffee Monday to discuss concerns that the park’s owners have hung them out to dry, while the owners say they have done everything they can to help residents.

Resident Hannah Morse and others organized the BG Mobile Homeowners United advocacy group in response to the park’s rezoning to planned unit development after approval from the Bowling Green Board of Commissioners in August.

Owners Joy and Eddie Hanks purchased the park in 2020 for $600,000 along with several adjacent properties, according to property records.

They revealed in July this...

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Our thoughts on this story:

Have you heard this narrative before? 

Owners Joy and Eddie Hanks purchased the park in 2020 for $600,000 along with several adjacent properties, according to property records. They revealed in July this year plans to construct “Digs on the River,” a 23-acre project to include apartment buildings, commercial and restaurant spaces, a boutique hotel and potentially a boardwalk down on the bank – but no trailer park. Those within the park, encompassing over 30 trailers, will be forced to move sometime after July 31, 2024, with 90 days' notice. 

Yes, it’s the fourth such article this week regarding parks being torn down for a higher use of land. If you want to stem this tide the simple solution is to make mobile home parks a higher use of land. And you only get there with much, much higher lot rents. As I’ve said a thousand times, low rents = redevelopment.

But here’s also a narrative you’re seeing a whole lot of this week:

Many claim their requests to meet face-to-face with the Hankses have been met with resistance. Morse, a resident of five years with her fiance and two young children, said discussions with the couple were “making progress” until about a month ago when Joy Hanks requested any further questions be sent in writing and declined to meet in person.“I just want to have a conversation,” Morse said. “I just want to have a real, human conversation, and I’m a businesswoman too. I plan to be perfectly professional, and I don’t want any conflict that she thinks will happen.”

Mobile home park residents and bureaucrats think they can talk owners out of making smart financial decisions. The problem is that only money talks in the investment arena. The owner is not going to meet with the residents because it’s pointless and only opens the door to litigation in a screwed-up America. If the rents had been higher there would not have to be a meeting and the park would continue on as part of that mixed use development. With apartment rents at $2,000 per month on average – and you can stack them two of three high – mobile home park lot rents would have to be triple the U.S. average in many cases to even dent the rate of speed you are seeing parks close down.

Northern California Public Media: Cotati joins ranks in tightening rules for mobile home parks


When Cotati’s mayor Susan Harvey called the vote on the city’s new mobile home park rules, the response wasn’t one you normally expect to greet a new set of local regulations: applause.

"Any no's, any abstentions? Harvey asked. "Not seeing any, then that passes unanimously at its first reading," Harvey said to applause from the gallery in council chambers.

That round of applause is all thanks to some of the newest rules in the Cotati city code.

The 35-unit Countryside Mobile Home Park, on West Sierra Avenue, has long been designated seniors only by park rules, which require all residents be 55 and up.

Now, that senior-only status is...

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Our thoughts on this story:

More government and non-profit stupidity in action. Cotati, California is going to stop a park from changing from senior designation to all-age because they are afraid that having freedom of competition will force rents higher:

Concerned that an all-ages conversion could drive up rents if dual-income families were to move into the retirement-aged community, Countryside residents called on the city council to act before a state mandated six month grace period on the all-ages conversion expired in February, 2024.

Smart move. So now it’s pretty much guaranteed that the park will be torn down to make way for more profitable uses.

Hillsboro Star-Journal: Lake leader complains about rent increase


County Commissioners got an earful Monday about an increase in lot rent for a trailer at the county lake.

Mike Crane, president of Friends of Marion County Lake, objected to last week’s decision to increase rent $50 a month for trailer lots west of the lake office.

The friends association includes both homeowners and mobile home owners. Crane and his wife own a mobile home.

“When I bought the trailer, the lease was $1,000,” Crane said. “Then it moved to $1,100.”

Commissioners voted a week ago to raise lot rent from $1,200 a year, set in 2012, to $1,800.

The county pays for electricity, water, and trash services for the trailer park, and...

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Our thoughts on this story:

You guessed it – another article about “evil” park owners destroying lives with $50 rent increases. Except this one is different: the “evil” park owner is the country itself.

And when they were questioned about the increase at a county meeting, they didn’t mince words:

Commissioner Kent Becker said “commissioners look only at what the dollars are”.

That pretty much sums it up without a lot of B.S. 

If a park owner had said that they would have been tarred and feathered by the media.

The bottom line is that mobile home parks are income properties, and they only survive when they are the most profitable use for the land. Even the bureaucrats have figured that out in Hillsboro, Kansas.

Richmond Biz Sense: ‘Redefine this model of ownership’: Housing nonprofit sees future in mobile home parks


Correction: The mobile homes developed by Project:Homes cost between $100,000 and $130,000 to build, according to the nonprofit. An earlier version of this story reported a higher number that was shared in an interview but was later clarified to be the cost of the nonprofit’s single-family infill homes. 

Despite a setback this spring that prevented it from building its own manufacturing facility next to its headquarters, a local housing nonprofit is making its case for investing in mobile home parks as a housing supply option, with its work at a park in Chester providing an example.

Project:Homes, through a joint venture with VCDC...

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Our thoughts on this story:

It’s a good thing that non-profits don’t rule the world as it would be a pretty sorry place to live. Take note of just two key factors in this article:

  1. The mobile homes that this non-profit is providing cost $100,000 to $130,000. Any idiot with a dealer’s license can buy essentially these same mobile homes for $80,000 or so turn-key. Not exactly a good value.
  2. Look at the photo of the park and then zoom in on each home and lot. It looks totally junky like the “before” photo of many turn-around parks. Not exactly a sign of good management.

Every week these type of articles beg the question “is this the best way to spend money?” and every week the answer is clearly “no”. Most all private-sector park owners can provide a better product than this at a lower price point. But, of course, that never gets mentioned because all park owners are “evil”, right?

Willamette Week: City Commissioner Dan Ryan Made a Generous Offer for a Mobile Home Park. Now the Deal is in Jeopardy.


One year ago, City Commissioner Dan Ryan promised a gift to the 11 families who live in a Southeast Portland mobile home park: The city would spend $3.5 million so a nonprofit could purchase the land beneath their homes and save the residents from displacement.

That was welcome news to the residents of Kelly Butte Place, located along Southeast 112th Avenue. Four years ago, a developer and the property’s future owner had pulled permits to construct 26 single-family houses on the 1.5 acres on which the manufactured homes stand. The residents own their homes but not the land under them.

A purchase using city dollars would eliminate that...

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Our thoughts on this story:

No, wait, not another misguided non-profit in action? This story pins the “stupid meter” in two key ways:

  1. The city thought that spending $3.5 million to save 11 mobile homes from being torn down was a great investment. I mean, that’s only around $300,000 per household to save a $3,000 dilapidated mobile home from demolition, right? In non-profit world that must be a great use of taxpayer money (assuming you’re a complete idiot) but do you really think that those 11 families would not prefer receiving $300,000 in cash each so they can go buy a brick home in a subdivision and get out of that old, high-density park?
  2. The genius at the city that offered the $3.5 million to mom and pop just found out that the park was only worth $1.5 million and they have been “had” to the tune of $2 million. Boy, I never saw that coming.

So now what do the virtue signalers at the city do? I’m sure the only solution is to go ahead and pay the $3.5 million and spend another $2 million to build a solar array to make it more environmentally sustainable.

Petaluma Argus Courier: Sudden rent hike shocks seniors at Youngstown Mobile Home Park


Amid the ongoing disputes between residents and owners of Petaluma’s Youngstown Mobile Home Park – which include a lawsuit against the city, threats of closure, threats of steep rent hikes and attempts to convert the seniors-only park to all-ages – the residents are now making a new allegation: that on the day before Thanksgiving, the owners illegally and without warning tried to tack on more than $900 to their monthly rent bills. 

The $923.41 increase, which park owners have requested but are not allowed to impose before an arbitration period is completed, was noticed Nov. 22 by some of the park’s residents, who then scrambled to spread...

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Our thoughts on this story:

Yes, the same tired narrative as the above article. And, yes, the goal here is for the media to brainwash you that all rent increases are “evil” and all park owners are “evil” if they regurgitate the same article 100 times in a row.

Crosscut: Tumwater mobile home tenants lobby against rent hikes


Tucked right behind one of Tumwater’s many strip malls sits Western Plaza Mobile Home Park, whose residents gathered inside the community’s clubhouse. Kyle Taylor Lucas hurried to set up – dashing in and out in her black running shoes, arms full of supplies and other materials for the latest tenant’s group meeting.

Lucas and her partner in organizing, Mary Huntting, pushed together banquet tables and arranged chairs as the remaining members of the group trickled in. Eventually, everyone found a seat with Lucas and Huntting at the helm, eager to brief their colleagues on their latest organizing efforts.

“OK, so let's go...

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Our thoughts on this story:

So here’s the deal. A park owner is raising the rents in a park in Olympia, Washington – just down the street from the Walmart Supercenter – from around $500 per month to around $750 per month. Olympia has an average single-family home price of $472,500 and an average apartment rent of over $2,000 per month. That new lot rent seems ridiculously low, right? Well, not apparently to the residents of Tumwater Mobile Home Park.

“I never thought it would happen here – with the history,” said John Stockman, a resident of 10 years. “We’re talking 50-60 years of [local] ownership.” Translation: “We like the old owner because he never raised the rent – even though he obviously should have”

With a record of monthly rent increases averaging just $10 to $15 a year, Western Plaza had presented itself as a forever home. Translation: “We thought we were going to get away with robbing the old mom and pop blind forever”.

Thurston County Assessor’s Office records show Legacy Communities paid $9 million for the park — more than double the amount it was priced at in 2008. Translation: “rents are going to have to go up a lot to justify the value of the land and the cost of running a business in a modern world”.

“It feels to me like society is just kicking Grandma to the curb,” Lucas said. “That’s how it feels – kicking Grandma out on the street. And I think that we’ve reached the point now where all of these elders are threatened with homelessness. This is elder abuse, and we as a society need to address it as we need to make some changes.” Translation: “We can’t really justify how this new rent is not still ridiculously low so instead we’re going to try and distract you with veiled threats of litigation and this false narrative that a $250 per month escalation in rents is going to make all seniors homeless so that maybe a politician will try to pass rent control really fast”.

The bottom line is that nobody likes higher rents but, in this case, they are more than justified.

And I urge you to look at where this park is located in Olympia vs. where the Walmart Supercenter is located at. I would imagine that the rent will have to be $1,000 per month shortly to have any hope of staving off the wrecking ball for a new retail center or $2,000 per month apartments. Translation: “you better hope for more increases because the alternative is redevelopment”.

Wink: Residents worry after mobile home park goes up for sale


People living in a mobile home park worked hard to rebuild from Hurricane Ian, but now they are worried they may be kicked out.

The Harmony Shores Mobile Home Park is being sold for about $25 million.

Just a few days ago, neighbors WINK spoke to said they came home to a notice on their doors.

A letter was sent to neighbors and clearly stated that nobody is being asked to move at this time, but it still has some residents on edge.

One neighbor WINK News spoke to has been in Harmony Shores for 26 years.

After Ian hit, she decided to repair her place like many others, but even the mobile home community still has no functioning street lights,...

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Our thoughts on this story:

Watch the news story video – look at the condition of this property -- and tell me if anyone with an IQ higher than a lima bean would even remotely believe that this land is worth $25 million as a mobile home park use. Clearly, it’s going to be redeveloped into a better use, right? I am forever blown away that people have zero understanding of basic economics.

WAFB: Tiny homes gaining attention as people look to buy, build, sell or rent


BATON ROUGE, La. (WAFB) - Tiny homes have become more common and are popping up in nearby parishes. Some folks in south Louisiana have businesses dedicated to customizing them to fit people’s needs.

As more people look to downsize and save money, they’re turning to tiny home Facebook groups and other online websites to buy, build, sell, or rent. Airbnb reports it has more than 150 tiny-house listings in Louisiana as of December 2023.

In East Baton Rouge, a tiny home is defined as a dwelling with a maximum of 400 square feet excluding lofts. A spokesman with the City of Baton Rouge said tiny homes are allowed within the city-parish, but...

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Our thoughts on this story:

I hate to throw cold water on this stuff, but tiny homes are never going to be a permanent solution to housing issues. They are too small and depressing to live in on a full-time basis. At 400 sq. ft. or smaller they are about the size of a hotel room. I know few people who could live their lives in a hotel room happily. On top of that, they are way too expensive for their size. If you hate mobile homes due to the stigma, at least consider a 5th wheel with pop-outs which are still far cheaper than a tiny home to buy but have the same sq. ft. You can get a used 5th wheel for as little as $3,500 (look at RV Trader’s website) and then when you can’t stand “living small” anymore you can sell it for $1,000 and walk away from it. With a tiny home you are stuck with tens of thousands of debt and a tiny market of interested buyers.

XL Country: Only $5.5M For This Montana Property. Hello New Skyrise? Only $5.5M For This Montana Property. Hello New Skyrise? Only $5.5M For This Montana Property. Hello New Skyrise? Read More: Only $5.5M For This Montana Property. Hello New Skyrise? |


It's really no surprise to anyone here in the area that have been looking at buying a house, renting an apartment or a townhome or even buying a small business, the prices are outrageous.

Recently listed by, you will find a trailer park off of East Griffin Dr. for $5.5 million. Now the big question is will it stay a trailer park? Or will some big company come in and purchase it and try and build high-end condos with skyrocketing prices?

At some point the people at Bozeman have to speak up about this. $5.5 million for a piece of land. Let's be real. The estimated monthly mortgage on this type of loan would be around $35k per...

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Our thoughts on this story:

This is a 31-space park in poor condition. At $5.5 million that works out to around $200,000 per space. So, yes, this park is going to be torn down as far as I can tell. Everyone has to remember that there are many different options for every tract of land and mobile home parks are only one of those. It’s perfectly natural for a piece of land to go through a progression of uses over time – just as many mobile home parks started off as producing farms and then RV parks with gas stations and then on to mobile home parks. When a mobile home park gets turned into a nice apartment complex or retail center it’s simply called “progress”. There’s no deeper meaning.

WVVA: Eviction notices sent to residents of Mercer County mobile home park


MERCER COUNTY, W.Va. (WVVA) - As cold weather moves in, some mobile home park residents in Mercer County are being told to get out. Attorney Adam Wolfe with Mountain State Justice says 12 residents of the Maples Acres Estates mobile home park received eviction notices on Monday.

Wolfe says the mobile home park is owned by a man named Abraham Anderson who runs the mobile home park under ‘Diamond Field LLC’.

Wolfe says Mountain State Justice is taking action against the notices, filing motions for the eviction cases to be moved from magistrate court to circuit court where three lawsuits involving mobile home parks in the area are currently...

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Our thoughts on this story:

Ditto. Same story as all the earlier ones. Fighting higher rents = certain closure of the park.

Looks like construction companies will have plenty of work redeveloping former mobile home parks in 2024.

NH Business Review: Shaheen sponsors bill to support resident-owned manufactured housing communities


When the Meredith Trailer Park was put up for sale decades ago, residents feared new ownership would mean the 13-home park would be torn down and redeveloped.

But instead of developers capitalizing on the lot, which was prime real estate along the shore of Lake Winnipesaukee, a cooperative of park residents came together to purchase the land. Now, it’s the Meredith Center Cooperative the state’s first resident-owned manufactured housing community.

When residents purchased the park in 1984, their choice not only preserved their park but also laid the framework for an affordable housing model that has since boomed across the...

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Our thoughts on this story:

The same tired story of how resident-owned communities saved a 13-space trailer park from demolition and can do the same for all the other 44,000 parks in the U.S. There’s only one problem with this story: resident-owned cooperatives have only done around 300 parks total in decades of existence. That works out to a .0068% success ratio. At the current speed it will take them roughly 3,666 years to tackle the rest of the parks! That seems like a reasonable use of this much attention and discussion, right?

KTVU: Petaluma mobile home park rent doubled, mistakenly set to auto-debit


PETALUMA, Calif. - Seniors on fixed incomes who live at a Petaluma mobile home park said Monday they feel bullied, harassed and stressed by their landlord and ongoing threats to double their rents.

Without notice, residents at Youngstown Mobile Home Park off North McDowell Boulevard said they had a $923 increase to their monthly rents, showing up on the online payment portal the day before Thanksgiving.

"I thought it’s either gross incompetence or retaliation and best wishes for the holidays," said Mary Ruppenthal who has lived at the park since 1987. "To me that’s strictly harassment."

It’s the latest frustration for a group of...

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Our thoughts on this story:

Wow, same story as above and will probably have the same ending unless these city leaders have more common sense.

I love the way that – only on mobile home parks – raising rents becomes a part of a social agenda. Here’s what the quote in the article said from one resident:

"I don’t understand why they think they need so much money to live on when we have so little to live on”.

I had the same question once from a woke reporter at PBS who said “why do you have to raise rents – why can’t you lower them instead?”. My answer was simply that I was a business person and not a non-profit but if she or PBS would like to cover the difference in rent – as a charitable act – then I could work out a deal. I’ve still never heard from the reporter or PBS to take me up on that offer. Charity sounds great as long as you don’t have to pay for it, right?

Longmont Leader: County loans $1.1M for mobile home park purchase in Lafayette


The Boulder County Commissioners have approved a 30-year forgivable loan of $1,055,000 in support of the purchase of the Mountain View Mobile Home Park located in Lafayette to help transition it to a resident-owned community.

The community’s residents founded La Luna Cooperative a year ago as part of a plan to purchase Mountain View after it was listed for sale in September 2022. The cooperative has obtained most of its financing for the acquisition of the property in the form of grants and low-interest loans that lower the total cost of purchasing the park.

In addition to Boulder County, the partnership also includes Thistle, a small...

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Our thoughts on this story:

The article fails to mention how many people live in this park (no doubt so you could not easily whip out your calculator and see what a monumental waste of money this non-profit inspired project was) so I did the research for you. Here’s the information on Mountain View Mobile Home Park. As you can see, it houses 34 trailers. When you see how many non-profits contributed to this deal you begin to realize why nobody wanted to identify the number of beneficiaries. Assuming they procured 80% LTV – and only counting the county’s contribution of $1 million as the total down payment -- then the park must have been purchased for around $5 million. At 34 total sites, that works out to $147,000 per household, and you know the actual number is probably closer to $200,000 when you add in all the extras from all the other non-profits. This then begs the question “is this really the best way to spend that money”? For example, they could have simply passed on buying the park and given each family $200,000 in cash and told them to go buy a nice brick house with no mortgage, a newer car free-and-clear, and have a happy life. But instead, they are going to force these folks to live in a highly dense 1960’s trailer park for the rest of their lives.

I promise you that not one single resident would have elected to stay if given the option of the money or their trailer. Shouldn’t they be given that choice in these transactions?

The Fresno Bee: Fresno leaders finally listen to mobile home park concerns, but it may be too late Read more at:


Things are finally looking up for the remaining residents of a north Fresno mobile home park under the threat of closure by an unscrupulous owner with a cash register heart.

Whose entreats, up until recently, were largely ignored by the governmental powers-that-be.

Even if the changing tide didn’t arrive soon enough for people such as Patricia Shawn, who is being evicted at year’s end from the place she’s called home since 1998.

“It’s coming a little too late for some of us,” said Shawn, a 59-year-old IRS retiree living off $1,053 per month from disability and Social Security. “But at least my neighbors have a shot to stay.”


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Our thoughts on this story:

First of all, I love the lack of bias from the woke reporter:

Fresno mobile home park under the threat of closure by an unscrupulous owner with a cash register heart.

Second of all, this is an article that is the perfect illustration of why Ronald Reagan once said “the nine scariest words in the English language are “I’m from the government and I’m here to help”. This owner offered to keep the park free from redevelopment at a $650 per month lot rent, which was more than reasonable. The city blocked him and told him it could not be more than $350. He warned them, the park would be demolished if they refused to listen to reason but they wouldn’t budge. And now it will be demolished and everyone in the park will be homeless.

Here's a quick look at Fresno housing prices looks like: $359,700 on the single-family home average and $1,330 per month apartment rent on the two-bedroom unit and $1,800 per month on the three-bedroom.

So, $650 looked like too much, huh? Interesting logic.

But don’t worry, residents of the park, those same bureaucrats are ensuring you’re going to get at least 12 months’ notice to move out.

Think the residents would have voted to raise the rent to $650 per month as opposed to their new position as being homeless in a market with $1,300 2-bedroom and $1,800 3-bedroom rents?

Tampa Bay Times: Florida seniors face eviction over mobile home community assessment dispute


The community website urges potential residents to “elevate their life” by joining The Highlands at Scotland Yard, showing a well-manicured, 55 and above gated community featuring two swimming pools, walking trails, a fire pit and a community center nestled next to a lush public golf course just south of Dade City.

But many residents of the mobile home community, who own their homes but pay rent for their lots, aren’t so sure their life has been improved since the community’s new owner, Legacy Communities, arrived. Management sent out notices in August that they owe Legacy an additional $3,557.44 for unspecified “capital improvements.”

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Our thoughts on this story:

I know nothing about the facts of this case, but let’s face it, if you live in California or Florida and your rent is too low the odds are 99% your property will be redeveloped. If I was a resident in a CA or FL mobile home park my question to the owners would be “how high does the rent need to be so the park won’t be torn down?” Isn’t that just basic common sense?

The Press of Atlantic City: Middle Township mobile home park owners stuck in the middle


MIDDLE TOWNSHIP — The cost of almost everything has risen steadily in recent years.

The price to rent a mobile or manufactured home in Middle Township may be a notable exception.

It’s not that the owners are not interested in raising rents. Instead, it appears they’re not allowed to.

The township has an ordinance that limits rent increases for mobile and manufactured home parks. The businesses can raise rents, but only within certain limits and with the approval of the township’s rent control board.

Trouble is, that board does not appear to be functioning.

“There hasn’t been a meeting for over a year,” said Scott Davis, the...

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Our thoughts on this story:

Looks like the same flight path as the earlier articles. When you fight lot rents going up even with CPI increases you are just asking for closure. Either these bureaucrats are completely incompetent or maybe their plan all along is just to get the parks torn down.

The Daily Journal: Half Moon Bay moves toward rent control


Rent control in Half Moon Bay could happen in the coming months, as four of five councilmembers and advocates want it to help low-income workers — amid some concerns from others that the action could be costly to implement and hurt new housing efforts.

Housing — particularly for lower-income, Latino and farmworker communities — has long been a crisis issue in Half Moon Bay. But proponents see rent control protections as one potential solution to alleviate high and oftentimes unpredictable costs of living for these communities, they said at a meeting Nov. 14.

“I work as a farmworker and community promoter. My husband works in...

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Our thoughts on this story:

This park manager – facing rent control – had a not too veiled opinion of the end result:

Vance Verderame, operating manager of Canada Cove mobile home park, spoke against the idea, explaining that Canada Cove maintains all infrastructure and amenities in the park and government regulation could upset this balance.

Here’s the translation: “If you pass this rent control we’re going to demolish this thing”.

Can you blame them?

Only in California …

Concord Monitor: Shaheen sponsors bill to support resident-owned manufactured housing communities


When the Meredith Trailer Park was put up for sale decades ago, residents feared new ownership would mean the 13-home park would be torn down and redeveloped.

But instead of developers capitalizing on the lot, which was prime real estate along the shore of Lake Winnipesaukee, a cooperative of park residents came together to purchase the land. Now, it's the Meredith Center Cooperative the state's first resident-owned manufactured housing community.

When residents purchased the park in 1984, their choice not only preserved their park but also laid the framework for an affordable housing model that has since boomed across the...

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Our thoughts on this story:

Get out the pocket watch as it’s hypnosis time again:

Nationwide, ROC-USA works with over 300 resident-owned communities. Now, federal legislation, sponsored by U.S. Sen. Jeanne Shaheen, has been introduced to help preserve these communities. The bill, which was introduced by Nevada Sen. Catherine Cortez Masto, would establish a permanent grant program to help revitalize manufactured housing communities with a specific emphasis on those that are resident-owned. With it would come funding for infrastructure improvements like water and sanitation.

Apparently some bureaucrats have been successfully turned into zombies and now believe that you should only fund infrastructure repair on resident-owned communities. Since there’s only 300 or so of them, that’s not a very big commitment. And maybe that’s why they put that restriction on there?

Pines Barrens Tribune: Rate Increase That Had Been Set To Begin In 2017 For Mobile Home Parks In Southampton Not Collected, With Town Pursuing 2024 Implementation


SOUTHAMPTON—A previously decided rate increase to be charged to mobile home park owners in Southampton Township, which was supposed to take effect in 2017, apparently was not collected, the Pine Barrens Tribune has learned, and as a result of the discovery, the township moved to have them start paying it beginning this year.
But one of the mobile home park owners, according to a whereas clause in a proposed ordinance, hired an attorney and the township then “received protest from counsel for one of the mobile home parks.”
And now, while another whereas clause in the proposed ordinance calls the attorney’s position “unreasonable,” the...
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Our thoughts on this story:

I’ve been in this movie myself, back on a park in Texas in about 1999. The city tried to add an “administrative fee” to the park owners of about $2,000 per year just to get their annual permit renewal. So we all banded together, hired a municipal lawyer, and sued the city. The city lost big time. It turned out that the law in Texas clearly states that the amount of such fees cannot be greater than the actual cost to inspect the property, which was more like $100 and not $2,000. And what this city is proposing is even worse than that Texas city tried:

As of now, what is proposed to take effect on Jan. 1, 2024, “and for each year forward,” is that the “township shall charge and collect for the license an annual fee of $200 and the sum of $7 per calendar week for each mobile home occupying any space in the mobile home park during the calendar week or part thereof.”

These park owners probably need to get together, pool their legal fees, hire the nastiest municipal lawyer they can find, sue the city and stop this nonsense. I hope at least one of them is reading this and can look into these facts.

Bluefield Daily Telegraph: Eviction notices sent to residents of Maple Acres Estates


PRINCETON — Days before Thanksgiving and the start of the Christmas season, eviction notices were distributed to residents of a Mercer County mobile home park that has been fighting in court to keep their lot rents from going up dramatically.

Residents of Maple Acres Estates, a mobile home park off Maple Acres Road near the intersection of Maple Acres Road and New Hope Road, have been receiving eviction notices, attorney Adam Wolfe with Mountain State Justice, a nonprofit legal firm, said Tuesday.

“Our firm took action,” Wolfe said. “We filed motions in all those eviction cases in Maple Acres. As far as I know, they (representatives of...

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Our thoughts on this story:

OK, it’s pocket watch time again. Start swinging it side to side while you read this pile of nonsense:

“Diamond Field LLC (also referenced as defendant) purchased Maple Acres Estates in August 2022. In March Diamond Field issued notice to Maple Acres tenants of its intent to increase their lot rent from $170 to $299 … Diamond Field’s tactics coincide with a nationwide trend, in whcih predatory corporations hiding behind layers of shell companies purchase manufactured housing communities, then raise the lot rent and force mass evictions”

So let me get this straight. Park owners raise rents because they want to do mass evictions? That’s their business model? Where’s the money in that? And, of course, there isn’t. A good rent increase is one in which you lose not a single tenant. And you get there by offering a good value, which at $299 I’m sure it is.

OK, so now let’s get to the down-and-dirty truth. Diamond Field LLC appears to have taken a crazy, stupid ridiculously low rent of $170 per month and raised it to $299 which is still crazy, stupid and ridiculously low but a little less so. And I’m sure they did major improvements and started to enforce the park rules as part of the increase. And if we went to the park right now and knocked on any random door we would find that the residents are absolutely ecstatic with the improvements and have no problem paying the ridiculously low rent of $299 now that the park is nicer. But, as usual, one or two people who were living marginally in the park and having trouble paying $170 per month ran out and found a cheap attorney who filed a frivolous case since there is no rent control in West Virginia. In fact, if you read the preamble to the article, you’ll see that all the attorney accomplished was to file an appeal wanting to get the eviction case moved to a different court in order to buy the marginal folks a little more time before they pack up their pickup trucks and drive off. Big deal.

Was anyone hypnotized by this article and its repetitive mantra? If you have an IQ higher than a lima bean then probably not.