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The Journal of the San Juan Islands: Housing shortage reaches critical mass


A home ensures stability, diversity and safety for community members. In San Juan County, affordable homes are becoming increasingly difficult to find.

In 1948, the United States signed the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, recognizing adequate housing as a component of the human right to an adequate standard of living. However, housing once considered a human right is now more often treated as a commodity, slowly fraying the very fabric of communities across the nation.

According to multiple local housing experts, much like the rest of the country, there’s a critical housing emergency unfolding in the San Juan Islands, and it’s only...

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Our thoughts on this story:

For decades, the government has propped up coastal areas by offering flood insurance at huge losses to the U.S. taxpayer, rather than forcing people to move inland who can’t afford the insurance. In this case, the goal seems to be how to maintain people who don’t earn enough money to live in an area to remain in place. Is that really helping anybody? Surely not when the subsidies would give them a higher quality of life somewhere else.

PRWeb: Datacomp Releases Updated Manufactured Housing Community Data from Six States


Recognized as the industry standard for manufactured home community market analysis for more than 20 years, JLT Market Reports provide detailed research and information on manufactured home communities located in more 187 primary housing markets throughout the United States.

Datacomp, the publisher of JLT Market Reports and the nation’s #1 provider of market data for the manufactured housing industry, announces the publication of its January 2023 mobile home park comps with occupancy and other vital data on manufactured home communities from 14 markets in Arizona, Georgia, Nevada, New Mexico, North Carolina, and Utah.

Recognized as the...

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Our thoughts on this story:

These reports are great for large, institutional owners, but you have to determine your rents the old fashioned way by calling the competition yourself. There’s just no easy way to figure out where you fit in regards to rent levels.

Lodi News-Sentinel: Update: Hundreds evacuated from flooded Acampo mobile home park; Highway 99 closed


ACAMPO — Nearly 200 people were evacuated from a mobile home park on Sunday and Monday after another round of atmospheric rivers brought heavy rain and flooding to the area. A mandatory evacuation was ordered for the park early Monday afternoon.

The San Joaquin County Sheriff’s Office said it closed Woodbridge Road east of Highway 99 just after noon on Sunday due to localized flooding. By 2 p.m., Sheriff’s Office deputies, along with crews from the Lodi, Woodbridge, Mokelumne and Lathrop/Manteca fire departments began evacuating about 175 residents from the Arbor Mobile Home Park, located at 19690 Highway 99 frontage road.

Closer to 7...

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Our thoughts on this story:

This is going to be a real problem for California park owners as insurance rates are going to skyrocket. No wonder so many catastrophe movies (like San Andreas) are based in California. It’s not just because the studios are there. Between earthquakes, fires – and now flooding – this is becoming the place to buy property with a short shelf life.

Standard-Examiner: Riverdale mobile home park tenants offered money to help with move


RIVERDALE — The owner of the Riverdale mobile home park that’s being vacated to make way for development is offering residents $1,500 to $3,000 if they depart early.

Some residents have expressed concern about the financial hit they may face on leaving Lesley’s Mobile Home park given the typically higher cost of renting apartments and other housing types. “As we prepare for the park to officially close on May 31, 2023, park ownership is offering to help alleviate some of the financial burdens of vacating the park,” reads the letter park management sent last Friday, supplied by a former resident.

Per the offer, tenants may get $3,000 if...

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Our thoughts on this story:

It’s the classic tale the media hates most: lot rents are too low and the park gets razed to make way for apartments. If the lot rents had been higher, the park would still be a park, in all likelihood. But the residents would have fought tooth and nail against that, and the media would have jumped on the bandwagon to publicly shame the owner. So the correct solution was to simply demolish the park and make it into a more profitable use. I have tried to explain this to the media for years now, but they refuse to accept the reality of economics. Mobile home park residents nationwide need to accept the fact that mobile home parks can be other types of uses, too, and if rents are not higher then parks will be bulldozed. You can’t have it both ways. I wish that MHAction would stop inspiring people to make themselves homeless.

The Press Democrat: Not all Santa Rosa mobile home residents are benefiting from new rent control law


Dec. 6 was a big day for Santa Rosa mobile homeowners who’d spent months or even years advocating for tighter limits on rent increases in their parks.

After almost two decades, the City Council voted to update and restrict how much mobile home park owners can raise rent each year on the land under residents’ homes.

Previously, Santa Rosa’s mobile home rent control, which is governed by different laws than other housing, was tied to 100% of the Consumer Price Index (CPI), the measure of prices for goods and services paid by consumers with a 6% cap. For 2023, that would have been 5.7%.

After negotiations between residents and owners...

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Our thoughts on this story:

It’s pretty sad when the best part of the article is in the comments section, such as this truthful obersvation "it should be illegal for the government to tell property owners how much rent they can charge tenants. They won't charge more than the market will support because they don't want to have vacancies, so there is always a balance between supply and demand. Anytime the government artificially tips the scale we go into the land of unintended consequences.” So let’s get this story right. This idiotic town in California has decided that the park owner can only raise rents by 70% of CPI with a cap of 4%. Just wait for the “Land For Sale” sign to go up and the park to be become an apartment complex or Home Depot store. Where do you find idiots like this?

Yakima Herald-Republic: Opinion: Trailer-park rent increases beg new rules


You have to wonder how some people sleep at night.

Especially people like the owners of Valley Community, the trailer park at Fruitvale Boulevard and North 16th Avenue in Yakima.

Since taking over the small park in 2021, Hurst & Son — a Port Orchard-based company that deals in real estate investment, property management, construction — has raised rent from $350 a month to $600 in the past year. They’re also limiting tenants’ water use, and they no longer pay for garbage services.

Why? No reason, apparently — they just can. The YH-R tried repeatedly to reach the company but got no responses to numerous emails and phone calls.


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Our thoughts on this story:

You have to love an article that starts with “how can the owners sleep at night?” That’s probably true – they can’t sleep because they can’t decide whether to redevelop this property into an apartment complex or a big box retail center. When will the media realize that if you publicly shame owners for raising rents and enacting rules then they will take the easy road and simply tear these old things down and build higher uses for the land? Do they still teach economics at colleges that offer journalism?

Moapa Valley Progress: Mesquite Trails RV Park Moves Forward


Construction has been going forward full steam ahead at the west end of Hafen Lane in Mesquite. Nearly two years after receiving approval from the city, the Mesquite Trails RV Park is beginning to really take shape.

The site grading on the 20-acre parcel is completed, and the utility connections for the 193-space RV park have been installed. The first of three buildings to be built on the site has gone vertical. Work has also begun on the central recreational hub of the park including a large clubhouse, swimming pool, pickleball courts and various other recreational amenities.

The entrance of the park will be off of Hafen Lane. A new road...

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Our thoughts on this story:

It’s always been a lot easier to build RV parks than mobile home parks. That’s because the RV industry has done a great job of promoting itself (the “Go RVing” campaign) and people in RVs don’t go to school at a cost of $8,000 per kid to the city and county. The failure of the mobile home industry to put any money or effort into PR has created a scenario where the average American has a terrible opinion of the product.

Spectrum News 1:


LOUISVILLE, Ky. — When Mike Runnells moved to Bullitt County in 2020, it was his refuge from a divided city. The Army veteran had been living in Louisville’s west end, where the highly controversial police shooting death of Breonna Taylor had led to ongoing, nightly protests that sometimes brought crowds of police and protesters past his Portland home. 

What You Need To Know
  •  Residents of Live Oaks in Mt. Washington have seen regular rent increases and ownership changes
  •  With each new owner, new rent and regulations follow
  •  Some residents have rent-to-own agreements with a previous owner, but they aren't being honored
  • The Census...
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Our thoughts on this story:

Lot rent of $518 per month is not in any way unreasonable. Apartments average around $2,000 per month nationwide. Yes, it’s going to keep going up. Yes, corporate owners are going to raise rents as part of bringing old parks back to life. Yes, after all the hikes they make there’s no place even remotely as cheap to live. Yes, it’s called the free market because you’re free to move out if you want to. Yes, even with higher rents the park is full. Yes, there are 10 people willing to pay the higher rent for every 1 that won’t.

When the park has vacancy it will lower rent. It has none and the phone is ringing off the wall. Why are park owners held to a higher level than milk and eggs, which have doubled in the past few years?

Wahoo Newspaper: El Rancho tenants given eviction letters


ASHLAND – Five years after a group of tenants and the owner of a local mobile home park fought to keep the residential neighborhood open when the local school district sought to purchase the property for school expansion plans the owner has sold the trailer court and residents must be out by summer.

Brandon and Susan Parmer sold El Rancho Mobile Home Park at 2102 Furnas Street in Ashland to an investment company called Ashland Development, LLC.

Two days later, a letter was drafted to residents of the trailer court, which has been a part of the Ashland landscape for decades. The tenants of the 32 units making up El Rancho were...

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Our thoughts on this story:

A family owned a mobile home park. They got an offer from a land developer that’s three times its assessed value as a park. The developer told the paper “It’s an optimal location for alternative use, but that use is yet to be determined”. Everyone is mad. The tenants are mad that the park is being torn down and they are being displaced. This is what happens when residents fight higher rents and the media delights in publicly shaming owners. If the owner had raised the rents more, maybe the park would exist. But he would have had to fight the media’s public shaming, so why bother? Maybe someone should send this article to all of the above journalists?

Real Vail: Eagle Valley’s Krueger family sells trailer park in model for blocking private-equity groups


A Carbondale-based social justice nonprofit group in December went under contract to buy a 20-unit mobile-home park outside of Glenwood Springs for $2.4 million in an attempt to buck the trend of displacement and affordable-housing destruction at the hands of private-equity groups buying Colorado parks.

The Roaring Fork Community Development Corp. — the affordable housing arm of the nonprofit Manaus — intends to transfer ownership in coming years to 3-Mile Mobile Home Park’s residents, who own their trailers but pay rent for the land on which they sit.

The sellers are the children of the late Ben Krueger, a longtime Vail Valley resident...

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Our thoughts on this story:

Boy, they sure showed the world who’s boss. A non-profit recently “went under contract to buy a 20-unit mobile-home park outside of Glenwood Springs for $2.4 million in an attempt to buck the trend of displacement and affordable-housing destruction at the hands of private-equity groups buying Colorado parks.” I guess the park owner is laughing all the way to the bank, while the non-profit puts this grand tale all over its website. Here are some real-life news bulletins for this same Vail newspaper: 1) you could have given those tenants $120,000 in cash each and they would have been much better off 2) institutional investors would never look at a 20 space park (it’s about 20% of the target size of 100 lots) and 3) $2.4 million is a rounding error in today’s America if you want to be a big shot in philanthropy. That might make you sound big at the cocktail party at the Red Roof Inn lobby, but that’s about it.

Summit Daily: Certain Summit County mobile home residents went about a month without reliable running water, according to a complaint filed in court


Residents of the Farmers Korner Mobile Home Park in Summit County have faced a monthlong stint without running water in their homes, according to recent court filings. 

The water issues prompted inquiries from both the Summit County Public Health Department and the Colorado Department of Local Affairs, or DOLA, which issued a cease and desist order against the park’s landlord on Jan. 3 that was then enforced by a motion filed by Attorney General Phil Weiser on Jan. 12. 

DOLA told Farmers Korner landlord Lori Cutunilli it received a complaint Dec. 23 that certain residents at the mobile park had been “without running water and/or...

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Our thoughts on this story:

The best quote in this article came from a resident that said “he’s looking to sell his mobile unit and move to housing that’s more stable. But he has yet to find anything near the rent he pays for his lot, which is $850 a month.” Absolute genius. Harass the park owner in the middle of a blizzard demanding that frozen water lines be fixed, get the State of Colorado and media involved to advance your false narrative, and then whine when the solution is to maybe have to move out. Here’s a message to everyone in the U.S.: mobile home parks are not non-profits and if you harass owners enough, they will simply put up the “Land For Sale” sign and you will be cut loose. If you want a world in which there is no economics then sign up for Section 8 apartments and let the government determine your future.

Bloomberg: The White House Is Considering Broad Actions to Expand Tenant Protections


The White House is weighing a range of executive actions to authorize and expand protections for renters, who pay a high share of their income toward housing nationwide and face little prospect of relief from the new Congress.

Measures being mulled by senior Biden administration officials include sealing eviction records, standardizing rental leases and promoting a right to counsel for tenants facing off with landlords in housing court. Another possibility could be a federal campaign to curb discrimination against affordable housing voucher holders based on their source of income, a practice challenged as a fair housing violation.


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Our thoughts on this story:

This quote says it all: “measures being mulled by senior Biden administration officials include sealing eviction records, standardizing rental leases and promoting a right to counsel for tenants facing off with landlords in housing court. Another possibility could be a federal campaign to curb discrimination against affordable housing voucher holders based on their source of income, a practice challenged as a fair housing violation.” That has to be the dumbest list of all time, and none of those things would improve the position of renters in any way. So here’s my list by comparison: “relax the UBC so that modular homes can be built on vacant city lots, offer tax incentives for residential property owners not to redevelop into a non-residential use, and expand the Section 8 program so that it is available to more people”. Of course, I win. But when you take on the Biden administration, that’s not a very high bar.

ABC10: 175 evacuated from flooding at Arbor Mobile Home park in San Joaquin County


WOODBRIDGE, Calif. — Crews were able to evacuate 175 people from a partially-flooded mobile home park in Woodbridge Sunday.

South San Joaquin County Fire Authority, Lodi Fire Department, Lathrop Manteca Fire District, Manteca Fire Department, Woodbridge Fire District and more were at the Arbor Mobile Home Park on Frontage Road to help evacuate residents and animals.

It was one of many calls that first responders have answered as some people try to leave their homes due to flooding from a barrage of winter storms.

South San Joaquin County Fire Authority said their crews were using hoses to move water away from homes in order to...

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Our thoughts on this story:

America has been under a cloud of endless insurance losses for years now – from fires to hurricanes. Given society’s obsession with litigation and the simple fact that insurance companies are businesses and are focused on profits and not losing money annually, there is no doubt that insurance in California and Florida will be endlessly harder to obtain and retain except at huge cost increases. And that will naturally translate into much higher lot rents in those markets. The woke media might as well start writing the articles now to criticize those given rent boosts, as the insurance picture in California and Florida is becoming desperate.

Sequim Gazette: City expands application building notification process


Owners of local condominiums and manufactured homes will now be notified when construction projects are proposed near them in the City of Sequim.

Previously, land and property owners within 300 feet of the proposed project would be notified of an application and pending meetings and comment periods.

City staff said they’ve received requests for the change as condo and manufactured homeowners own the structures but not the land — so they weren’t being notified.

Sequim city councilors unanimously approved an ordinance change at their Jan. 9 meeting to update Sequim Municipal Code (chapter 20.01).

Councilors directed staff on Dec. 12 to make...

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Our thoughts on this story:

OK, I’m trying to be patient. Maybe some of these writers wrapped up college during Covid and on-line learning didn’t work for them. But this has to be one of the dumbest quotes of all time: “some manufactured home park residents in and around Sequim said they’ve received increased rents on land leaving them with less money to live.” Is there a way that rent could go up and they could have more money to live? This is, yet again, woke journalism in the state of Washington. You simply cannot mandate price levels in a capitalist society. That’s called socialism or communism. When the state government aspires to be less capitalist, it’s time to start moving to another state.

The Sonoma Index-Tribune: Mobile homes bolster Sonoma’s affordable housing stock


When Moon Valley Residential Community lowered the age restrictions for mobile home residents from 55+ in 2009, Robert Caldwell became one of the first of a younger generation to benefit from the affordable home model.

When the Index-Tribune met Caldwell, he was putting away Christmas decorations from his double-wide manufactured home that he bought for $35,000 in 2010. He was jolly talking about the appreciation of his home after his neighbor sold their unit for upward of $100,000.

“For one, it’s cheaper than buying a home, because that’s gotten just ridiculous,” Caldwell said. “I think in the past, if you lived in a mobile park you...

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Our thoughts on this story:

The first part of the article was fine but then this typical California journalist promoted the concept that greater bureaucracy is the key to affordable housing. Isn’t California where city and state government tried to build new affordable housing units recently at $600,000 each? Why not let the free market do its thing and you could have affordable housing that does not rely on subsidies.

WGCU: Residents of Bonita Springs RV and mobile home park chased away as new owner takes over


Finding a site to place an RV or camper at this time of year in Southwest Florida has always been a struggle. Add to that the number of RV and mobile home parks that were decimated by Hurricane Ian and the result is those that remain are packed.

Not so in Bonita Springs.

Gulf Coast Camping Resort right now looks like it’s in the throes of the summer doldrums and not the height of tourist season in Southwest Florida.

Noticeably absent are people tooling around on golf carts, walking dogs, or sitting outside enjoying the pleasant winter weather.

These days there’s only a handful of renters left at the once-bustling RV and mobile home...

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Our thoughts on this story:

A guy bought an old RV park for $5 million. His intention would appear to be to develop it into a different use. The residents don’t want to leave even though he has terminated all leases and told them to be out by 1/1/2023. Looks like he followed all of the laws and the tenants are trespassing and are violating his property rights – not the other way around.

Yakima Herald-Republic: At the mercy of the market: Yakima trailer park residents feeling the pain of higher rent


Dora Flores pulls into a parking spot in front of her trailer house after picking up her grandchildren from school. The two boys run inside, splashing through a couple of small potholes. Flores takes a look at her home of almost 10 years and feels only concern. By the end of next month, she says, she may not have a home at all. 

Over the last year, Flores and her neighbors at Valley Community, a small trailer park in Yakima on the corner of Fruitvale Boulevard and North 16th Avenue, have faced steep rent increases, a new monthly water usage cap and now have to pay the city for garbage collection themselves. Residents have struggled to...

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Our thoughts on this story:

The rent was $350 per month and now it’s $600 under the new owner. The park is in Yakima, WA and the average single family home is $290,300 and the average apartment is $1,435 per month. Any sane person would say “looks like the rent at $600 per month is too low”.

Forbes: Building 3D-Printed + Mass Manufactured Homes Is 50% Faster, Produces 99% Less Waste, And Can Be 80% Automated


The world needs two billion new homes in the next 80 years, the World Economic Forum said in 2018. The United States needs 3.8 million additional new homes just to meet existing consumer demand, estimated in 2020. And yet, with perhaps 600,000 people homeless in the U.S. and 40 million people living in poverty in the richest country on Earth, it isn’t just about quantity.

It’s also about price.

And, price to the planet. Construction is already the source of 40% of our carbon footprint globally. How do we house people effectively, efficiently, cost-effectively, and in a planet-friendly way?

According to innovative housing...

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Our thoughts on this story:

3D printed homes is a very interesting technology and I have no doubt it will one day be a big part of the U.S. housing market. But to get there you have to change a lot of ordinances and the Uniform Building Code. You also have to get the cost lower than $300,000 for a 1,500 sq. ft. house with 3D printing. I have seen articles on 3D printing in Europe that is really, really inexpensive. Don’t look at it as a cool way to build a beach house but instead find ways to create affordable housing with it and you’d have a winner.

Coloradoan : Water main break leaves Fort Collins mobile home park residents without water


A water main break at a Fort Collins mobile home community left several of its residents without water this week, according to the city, the community's manager and a resident.

Residents of the eastern section of North College LLC Manufactured Housing Community — a 55-plus senior community with roughly 320 lots — learned of the main break early Tuesday morning when they were greeted with dry kitchen faucets and shower heads around 7 a.m., according to community resident Patti Rosenfelder.

While Rosenfelder, 69, lives on the unaffected western side of the mobile home community — the largest within Fort Collins city limits — she said she...

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Our thoughts on this story:

So a part of a mobile home park had no water for two days because the water main broke. And the delay was caused by the city which mistakenly thought it was their main and told the park to stop work. And that intro leads the writer into a public shaming festival on the owner because he raised rents and enacted basic rules, like no beach towels in windows. What a world we live in.

CBS Sacramento: West Sacramento mobile home community with at-risk residents spent days without power


WEST SACRAMENTO — During severe storms, utility companies prioritize power for schools hospitals and customers' medical needs, but one local mobile home park's power was out for too long and the equipment necessary to keep some residents alive failed.

Valhalla Mobile Home Park has hundreds of residents, some of whom can't live for more than a few hours without power.

"I had heat in one room of the house so I survived," said Tom Madsen, a resident of the mobile home park.

The community of senior citizens lost power for days.

"There's a lot of people on oxygen CPAP machines and that's what we're worried about. What are they going to do...

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Our thoughts on this story:

This just goes to show the bias of the media against mobile home parks. The park lost power because the electric company had their lines go down. The park owner did nothing wrong. And the media is claiming that the park “has residents who cannot live for more than a few hours without electricity” and that somehow the park owner is responsible for that. If you truly can’t live for more than three hours without electricity you need to have a generator on your home in case the power goes out. If the tenant doesn’t buy a generator then that’s at their own risk. Don’t pretend that the park owner has any involvement in this story at all.

Roswell Daily Record: City rejects zoning for mobile home park


LORDSBURG — The City Council shot down a zoning variance from Ed Kerr, who was asking the city to allow a 1977 mobile home to be placed in Pyramid Heights after residents who were at the Dec. 28 meeting voiced their opposition to the variance.

“The ordinance itself should prohibit this trailer from coming in,” resident Eddie Parra said. He added that there are already two abandoned trailers that need to be addressed by the city, and questioned a park area that is supposed to be maintained by the City.

“Don’t put us in the position where we have to challenge the fact that we pay taxes. For what? What are we getting in return?” Parra...

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Our thoughts on this story:

This title is wrong, This is not about a mobile home park but simply a single 1977 mobile home. The city says it can’t be brought in because it violates their ordinances. The minimum mobile home age they allow is 1982. You can buy a 1982 mobile home for about the same price as the 1977. Sell the older home and buy a newer older home and bring it on in. Case closed.

Maryland Coast Dispatch: Site Plan Approved For Mobile Home Park Expansion


SNOW HILL– Plans for the expansion of a West Ocean City mobile home park moved ahead last week following approval by county officials.

The Worcester County Planning Commission last Thursday voted unanimously to approve a site plan for Salt Life Park. The project consists of a 34-lot expansion of an existing manufactured home park on Old Bridge Road.

“It’s really a nice continuation of the old park,” attorney Hugh Cropper said.

Cropper told the commission his client, Mark Odachowski, had purchased the existing park and started working to improve it. The 34-lot expansion is part of that improvement effort.

“It was really an eyesore,”...

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Our thoughts on this story:

This is exactly the way to get a park expansion approved – tie the expansion into an overall improvement in the original park. Then the trade off for the neighbors is that they can have a smaller but ugly property, or a slightly larger one that is not embarrassing to live nearby.

YES! Magazine: How Mobile Home Communities Are Adapting for Climate Change


Charlotte Bishop was standing at her kitchen window in January 2019 when she saw water streaming into her yard. A block of ice had clogged the brook that snakes around the mobile home park where she and her husband Rollin live in Brattleboro, Vermont. Ice jams are not uncommon in Vermont, but the heavier rains and earlier winter thaws—both related to climate change—will likely cause more flooding in communities near rivers and streams. Bishop grabbed her keys and rushed outside to move their cars to higher ground. Within minutes, she was wading through knee-high water. 

Bishop lives in Tri-Park Cooperative, Vermont’s largest and...

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Our thoughts on this story:

This article is so boring that I was about to fall asleep and then I suddenly saw that the town was going to spend $7.9 million to relocate 26 mobile homes out of the floodplain. I hope that’s a typo from the magazine, because that works out to $303,000 per home. Here’s a better idea. Buy each of those mobile home park residents a custom home on the golf course, give it to them debt-free, and demolish those $20,000 mobile homes they were living in. It’s a win/win for the earth and at least does not insult the intelligence of anyone reading this article who had basic algebra.

PA Homepage: Montour County mobile home park water woes


COOPER TOWNSHIP MONTOUR COUNTY (WBRE/WYOU) — Residents of a Montour County mobile home park say they have had it with the ongoing water problems and reached out to the I-Team for help after they claim their concerns were not being addressed by property management.

Eyewitness News spoke with residents who are frustrated, disgusted, and some are downright angry. They say they just want to have clear, clean water once and for all.

“It’s been a frustrating mess and it always goes on. We’re at our wit’s end,” said Robert Hayden, a Pepper Hills Mobile Home Park resident.

Robert Hayden lives at the Pepper Hills Mobile Home Park near Danville. He...

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Our thoughts on this story:

Sounds like the park owner needs to replace the water lines. Needs to give the residents and the city and state the plan and timing, go to the lender and find a hardscrabble way to get it started. In the interim the tenants and authorities need to back off and give them time to get it done. Hiding from all of this doesn’t sound like it’s helping. But, to be honest, the reporter is so anti-business that you don’t really know if any of these assertions by the tenants are even true.

South Congaree landlord arrested for renting mobile home without a business license: South Congaree landlord arrested for renting mobile home without a business license


SOUTH CONGAREE, S.C. (WIS) - A scrutinized South Congaree landlord was arrested on Tuesday for allegedly renting out a mobile home in a park that’s closing in two months.

Landlord Naomi Halter faces the misdemeanor charge of operating without a business license.

Tuesday morning a Lexington County judge granted her a personal recognizance bond, allowing her to await her court dates outside of jail without putting down any money.

The Town of South Congaree pulled her business licenses last August and her appeal failed in November.

In denying the appeal, the South Congaree Town Council triggered an ordinance-mandated eviction process for the...

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Our thoughts on this story:

The city takes the park owner’s license away because her properties are a “drain on city resources” (translation: those kids in the park are costing $8,000 per year in tuition each) and then have her arrested when she is kind enough to rent a vacant home to a guy and his mother who need a cheap place to live. She needs a good attorney and then should sue the heck out of these bureaucrats – maybe personally and not just in their city capacity. Sure, the homes could be nicer and there’s no excuse for a leaking sewer connection from a home, but I see nothing in this video that would suggest anything that has occurred is in any way appropriate or proportional.