Mobile Home Park Investing Articles

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Building Strong Business Partnerships: What Truly Matters

A successful partnership isn’t just about finding someone with the same interest in an investment. It requires deeper alignment in values, vision, and long-term objectives. Without these shared fundamentals, disagreements are inevitable. If one partner is focused on long-term stability while the other is eager to flip properties for quick returns, conflict is bound to arise. A strong partnership is built on mutual understanding and a shared commitment to a common goal.

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Navigating Economic Realities in Mobile Home Parks

While some mobile home park communities include affluent income-earners, a significant portion of mobile home park residents falls within the lower third of U.S. household incomes. Many face financial constraints, with limited savings and fewer opportunities for high-paying employment. While these challenges are real, they do not prevent residents from being responsible tenants, engaged homeowners, and valuable members of the community. As a park owner, understanding these realities allows you to structure your operations in a way that promotes stability for both your business and your tenants.

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The Surprising Link Between These Seven States: A Game-Changer for Mobile Home Park Owners

At first glance, Virginia, Missouri, Mississippi, Minnesota, Massachusetts, Idaho, and Arizona might not seem to have much in common. These states span different regions, have varying population densities, and even differ in their sports franchises. But for mobile home park owners, these seven states stand out for a different reason: They have established some of the strongest legal protections for park owners through clear and definitive grandfathering laws.

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Why Population Growth Doesn’t Tell the Whole Story in Mobile Home Park Investing

When assessing a market for mobile home park investments, many investors turn to and similar resources to examine population growth statistics. A city with a rising population might seem like a sure bet, but that’s not always the case. Take Austin, Texas, which has grown exponentially over the years. Meanwhile, Charleston, South Carolina, known for its strong mobile home park market, doesn’t exhibit the same growth trajectory. Yet, despite the contrast, both cities maintain substantial housing demand.

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The Main Difference Between Mobile Home Parks And Apartments Is Getting Ugly

We all know the weak spot of apartments from a customer perspective. We are constantly reminding potential homebuyers that mobile homes 1) don't have neighbors knocking on your walls and ceilings 2) comes with a yard 3) allow you to park by your front door 4) cost about 75% less per month to live in 5) makes you an owner and not a renter and 6) offers a sense of community with more permanent residents. And that message resonates really well and results in massive amount of mobile home sales nationwide, as well as long-standing retention of existing customers (with an average length of tenancy of 14 years).

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My Old Banker Would Never Believe It

When I went to my old banker Glenn in the 1990s with one of my early mobile home park deals he admonished me “why don’t you invest in things more respectable like office buildings?” To Glenn, mobile home parks were junky and not on the level of office buildings, which he admired. That was 30 years ago. Mobile home parks have steadily risen in value over that time while office buildings have plummeted.

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Small Dwellings in Modern America: A Tradition Back on Center Stage

Small Houses Have Always Been Part of the Landscape The current fascination with diminutive living spaces often overlooks the fact that these compact residences are anything but new. Early American settlers typically called modest cabins and cottages home—far smaller than the suburban developments many of us know today. So what caused homes to grow in size over time, and why are smaller footprints coming back into favor?

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There Are Around 44,000 Mobile Home Parks In The U.S. – Not 4,000!

Have you noticed how much of the data our industry uses is based on published reports from the REITs and largest owners (and the roughly 4,000 mobile home parks they represent) and the Federal Government (which owns no parks)? These stats not only inaccurately reflect the actual numbers but anyone who is an active participant in the industry quickly realizes that they are wrong because they violate the instinctual reality of what they see all around them. Let's explore some of the worst of these offenders to our collective common sense.

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Rediscovering the Glamour of Mid-Century Mobile Home Parks

When Glenhaven Mobile Home Park in Dallas joined my portfolio in 1996, I was captivated by the stories from longtime residents about its former glory. These tales were bolstered by an unexpected source: my dentist. He reminisced about living in Glenhaven during the 1950s, fresh from the GI Bill, while pursuing dental school. He described a community filled with aspiring professionals in fields like medicine and law, surrounded by British sports cars and vibrant cocktail parties. Although the only physical clues were Scottish street names and remnants of unique infrastructure like concrete pads hinting at amphitheaters, I stumbled upon a late-night movie that painted a vivid picture of the lifestyle in mobile home parks of that era. What I learned confirmed the legends.

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Understanding The Starting Place For Mobile Home Park Lot Rents In 2025

In the beginning, there was land. Then people built structures on that land. And from that moment on there were two types of people: 1) owners and 2) renters. Everyone had an equal opportunity to choose which category to fall into, and they knew their decision had a myriad of ramifications. “Owners” had to commit capital, maintain the property, worry about making mortgage payments, sometimes suffer though weather damage, and generally be more responsible. “Renters”, on the other hand, shouldered no risk or effort in maintaining the structure, put up no capital to buy it, and generally had the freedom to run off whenever they chose to do so. Throughout most of American history, there was a premium paid to own (and control your own destiny) vs. renting and this ratio was about 15% more to own than to rent. However, here’s the new reality, straight out of Wikipedia:

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Here's A Second Opinion

We see 2025 as another good year for mobile home park owners for a number of reasons. And apparently, we’re not alone. In this recent article from Multi Housing News, the mobile home park industry got very positive marks in their opinion. We share these same views, which revolve around three key aspects:

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4 Practical Ways to Stop Dumpster Abuse in Your Property

Few things create an eyesore and unnecessary expense like a dumpster that’s overflowing with debris or misused by unauthorized people. Whether it’s illegal dumping by outsiders or careless behavior from tenants, dumpster abuse can quickly escalate into significant costs and maintenance headaches. So, how can property owners effectively manage this issue? Here are four proven strategies to address and prevent dumpster misuse.

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Despite 40-Year High Interest Rates, Mobile Home Parks Are Ramping Up In Value

It has just been announced that Brookfield Asset, a Canadian REIT, has sold a portion of their portfolio to several buyers for around $1.6 billion. While the numbers are not specific, it appears to represent over $100,000 per lot. What's remarkable is that this has occurred despite 40-year high interest rates and the general collapse in values for office, retail, hotel and self-storage properties. Let's just review the highlights from the article.

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Adding Value Through Repetitive Design Elements in Mobile Home Parks

Investing in mobile home parks often comes with the challenge of balancing functionality and appeal. While some properties may lack natural charm, introducing deliberate design elements can significantly enhance their appearance and overall impression. These additions are not only visually impactful but also practical, offering long-term benefits to both the property and its tenants.

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The Key to Exceptional Property Management: Cultivating Greatness in Your Team

Managing a property successfully requires more than just meeting basic expectations. It’s about refining the smaller details that set apart good managers from truly exceptional ones. While many managers can handle the essentials, it’s the ones who invest an extra 10% effort that elevate a property’s standards to an extraordinary level. Here’s how to identify, support, and retain managers who can make your property stand out.

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The Deal Breakers: What to Watch for in RV Park Due Diligence

Thorough due diligence is non-negotiable when purchasing an RV park. Without it, you risk stepping into a minefield of legal, financial, and operational challenges. While some discoveries during this process are manageable, others are absolute deal-breakers. Here's a closer look at the major red flags that should send you back to the drawing board.

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When to Repair or Replace an Aging Mobile Home: A Practical Guide for Park Owners

As a mobile home park operator, you'll inevitably face decisions about whether to repair or replace aging mobile homes. Making informed choices is crucial, as missteps can lead to significant financial losses.

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Warning: When The Seller’s Promises, P&L And Tax Returns Don’t Align

After having reviewed hundreds of mobile home parks in due diligence, you eventually realize that many park owners tend to have three different sets of books: 1) their Profit & Loss statements 2) their tax returns and 3) what they tell you the financial performance has been. And while it's uncommon to find all of these being equal, there are some cases in which they are lightyears out of alignment. And that can be a warning sign flashing "danger ahead".

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Mastering Mobile Home Park Management: Lessons from a Top Performer

In the world of mobile home parks, the role of a strong manager is paramount. While every park may have its own challenges, a skilled manager can make all the difference in tenant satisfaction and overall success. Today, we’re diving into the practices of one exceptional manager who has achieved unparalleled results. Without revealing too much, it’s clear that their approach can serve as a model for managers aiming to elevate their game.

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The Truth About Mobile Home Park Resident Employment

That's a quote from an economics newsletter I get. The point is that the U.S. employment numbers were deliberately fabricated by around a million jobs – recently revealed by corrections in the numbers. And that should make every American a little suspicious on where employment really stands, because we now know that actual data is being manipulated for the November election. More than likely there will be a huge reveal following the election and we will all be horrified by the lies (yet to late to do anything about it politically). So if we can't really trust the nation's responsibility in macro numbers, what can we do to examine the typical mobile home park resident base as far as its exposure to what may be an extremely unfavorable job market? Here are the basic facts:

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Why Many Real Estate Pros Struggle with Mobile Home Parks – And How You Can Succeed

Mobile home parks bring unique challenges that catch even seasoned real estate investors off guard. Investors often assume their experience in apartments, retail, or office space will give them an edge, but many fall short, overpaying for parks and managing them poorly. So, what makes mobile home parks so different?

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I Want You To Buy A Mobile Home Park Before It’s Too Late

I have been talking about mobile home parks for nearly 30 years and the best park buying opportunity in history is about to start coming to a close. As a veteran of multiple recessions (and a park owner during the last two) here’s my rationale on why you will be really missing out if you don’t buy a mobile home park in this moment of the cycle:

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Filling Mobile Home Park Vacancies with RVs: A Smart, Low-Cost Strategy

If you're looking for a quick and affordable solution to fill empty lots in your mobile home park, consider this: RVs. Short for recreational vehicles, RVs provide an immediate and cost-free method to boost your occupancy. Yet, many park owners overlook this effective approach when faced with vacancy issues.

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The Lasting Legacy of Vintage Mobile Homes: Debunking the Myths

A common misconception in the world of real estate is that mobile homes have a built-in expiration date, destined to deteriorate beyond repair. However, this notion couldn't be further from the truth. With proper maintenance, mobile homes can stand the test of time, defying the myth of disposability. Here’s why these homes are built to last.

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The Interesting Math of Avion Village In Dallas

David R. Williams was a formidable force in U.S. architecture and was hired by the U.S. government in 1941 to design and build what may serve as the first true large-scale mobile home/modular park. It was called Avion Village and was located on a vacant tract of land near Dallas. It was needed to provide housing for 300 households that would be working at a defense plant nearby. It's still there and is located at 800 Skyline Road in Grand Prairie.

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